DINOSAURUS (1960/Fairview
Prod./Universal) 85 Minutes 16mm Scope, Faded and Splicey For Sale: $50
Kids love the GIANT
cinemascope screen almost as much as the giant dinosaurs. Great fun. First
recorded battle between a dinosaur and a piece of construction machinery.
A landmark pairing of two of a ten-year-olds favorite things. Yet another
good movie from the makers of �The Blob.� What�s with those guys...are
they trying to make good movies??? Directed by Irwin S. Yeaworth Jnr.;
Produced by Jack H. Harris & Irwin S. Yeaworth Jnr.; Screenplay by Dan
E. Weisburd & Jean Yeaworth; Special Effects by Tim Barr, Wah Chung &
Gene Warren, Marcel Delgado; Music by Ronald Stein. Starring Ward Ramsay,
Paul Lukather, Kristina Hanson, Alan Roberts, Fred Engelberg, Wayne Tredway,
Luci Blain, Gregg Martell.