Science Monster Home Movie Catalog

Home > Old Machines > RCA PG-201

A beautiful old, unbelievably heavy projector. This is our main projector at home - we use a little 1969 Eiki manual on the road. Have two of these. One came from the snotty assholes at Adolph Gasser in San Francisco. They had it on the counter for $10 as a joke. I recapped it and adapted the arms to play 4000ft split reels (which I also made) so I don't have to wake up in the middle of the movie to change reels. Has worked perfectly for 15 years. My second is a shiny new model, seemingly never used, that also got recapped. RCAs are absolutely the best projector to use with old valuable film. Easy to clean film path, gentle with the film. Way quiet for it's day.


Service Literature (PDF file: Right click to download)

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